If you want to sing the blues
You gotta know why you are playing...
If you want to sing the blues
Don't you dare care what people saying
[If you want to sing the blues...]

And if you do now feel at least bit proud...
Be quiet... And kindly leave the crowd

If you want to sing the blues
You gotta feel every sound
If you want to sing the blues
You gotta keep feet on the ground
[If you want to sing the blues ]

You see your soul... flying away!
Relax... May be it'll return someday

If you want to sing the blues
Don't mind that people passing by
If you want to sing the blues
They have they own lullaby
[If you want to sing the blues ]

And now your soul is coming back to you blue-e
Congratulations - it will sing for you.

[If you want to sing the blues ]

Жалко, что я не умею быстро писать музыку. Она ещё из мозга не ушла. А вот текст пришлось жестоко корежить. Ничего, ещё поймаю случай. Надо бы это записать, тепло и ламп

апд. что бы-таки записать