Baron_Pampa (09:55:15 29/10/2010) faster than a laser bullet louder than an atom bomb chromium plated, boiling metal brighter than a thousand sons! .......... HE! IS! THE PAINKILLER!
Along the western coast of Valoran, the human city-state of Demacia shines as the continent’s paragon of virtue amongst all the other human settlements. The people of Demacia are driven by their common cause to disseminate benevolence and justice for the betterment of all beings throughout Valoran. They view malice and selfishness as a disease which should be expunged from the psyche of humankind. Those who come to Demacia and choose to settle within the borders of the city-state are expected to share the ideals and virtues of its citizenry. Those who seek personal gain at the expense of others quickly find themselves ostracized… or worse.
Life in Demacia, however, isn’t one of placid utopian dreams. Since the Demacian people pride themselves as the moral vanguards of Valoran, they adopt seemingly draconian measures to ensure that their moral code remains the only code by which one may live within the city-state. Crime in any form is harshly punished; there are no misdemeanors within Demacia. Some detractors of Demacia (who criticize far from the reaches of the city-state) claim this as proof of its inherent hypocrisy. Demacians counter this argument by pointing out that their justice system incorporates benevolence and mitigation into its verdicts. No one is punished without fair and just consideration of the circumstances involved. While others may continue to criticize the harshness of Demacian law, the Demacians stand by their convictions.
Все бы хорошо, Гарен пафосно орет Демация и все дела, но... Вы задумывались сколько слов заканчиваются на "ция"?.. В скайпе однажды пришла в голову мысль. И началось.
The monk folded his arms across his chest. "Why do you want to join the League, Vladimir?" asked Dmitri expectantly. "I wish to bring honor to my noble house and to hone my craft," Vladimir answered immediately. The apparition before cracked a bemused smiled. "Why do you want to join the League, Vladimir?" it repeated. "To fight for the glory of Noxus, my homeland," Vladimir replied, hesitant. Dimitri's amusement vanished. He looked displeased. "Why do you want to join the League, Vladimir?" he echoed. Vladimir's face darkened. He answered, slowly this time, "I must kill." The old monk nodded. "How does it feel, exposing your mind?" he asked. Vladimir bared his teeth. "Liberating, really," came his retort. As if in response, the door behind flew open, bathing him in light. He was alone.
Заканчивают всегда одним и тем же вопросом - "How does it feel, exposing your mind?"
The protesting Shojin Monk did not cry out or break his meditative pose except once to stop onlookers from trying to put the fire out
Angered Monk Sets Self on Fire Ionian protests become extreme Today, Ionia's famous Lotus Gardens were not the site of their usual beauty. Monks from the Shojin Monastery assembled in protest of the Noxian occupation of the Navori Province, which is located in southern Ionia. One of the monks first gave an inspiring speech against what many see as Noxus' needless occupation. He then covered himself with lamp oil, crouched in a meditative pose, and lit himself on fire. Fortunately, this act does not need to be one of suicide. The Shojin monks have long practiced healing martial arts. However, the burning monk will survive only in a suspended state of agony for many days. When the last leaf falls from the lovingly sculpted bonsai placed next to him, his time will run out. It is unknown what the monks will do when that leaf falls, if action isn’t taken. Hundreds of miles away, Soraka, the Starchild of Ionia, wept openly when she heard this news. Yesterday, she had this to say: "It is a sad day when the peaceful monks of the Shojin Monastery must resort to such extreme measures. Ionia is a land of enlightenment. When the only way to find help for one's cause is so horrible, the situation is more than grim. Hopefully, the rest of Runeterra will finally take notice of the cruelty inflicted upon my people by the Noxian government." League Champion Katarina, speaking on behalf of her father and the rest of the Noxian High Command, responded with the following: "Our presence in Ionia is for the good of the people. Their economic state is not ready to deal with the rest of Valoran. Their practices are out-dated. Theirs is the domain of sad old men who believe the world should not progress past them. This incident is a tragedy, but it is not a statement on behalf of the Ionian people. It is a statement by those who are unwilling to embrace the future." Public outcry regarding this event is tremendous. Citizens from Bandle City to the Freljord, from Demacia to the Great Barrier, have expressed their outrage. Images have spread throughout the civilized world, shown on every Crystal Screen and Spinning Wire connected to a network. Perhaps the most amazing part of this horrifying display is the priest's incredible willpower. Even as he sits burning, he does not cry out. He is letting his quiet agony speak for itself. Some members of a growing crowd of onlookers even tried to put him out. In response, he broke his meditation only long enough to stop them with a firm gesture. This is a powerful statement against what many feel is the oppression of the Ionian peoples. The images are haunting and the message is clear. However, the question at hand is clear: what will the League of Legends do about what many feel is the legacy of an unsanctioned and inhuman war?
Соной невозможно играть в тиме с нубами >.>""" Когда у тебя статы лучше всех по всем параметрам (ну и были равны статам одного танка), а ты саппорт - это плохой знак >.>
Summoner Ltdash has been freelancing in war journalism on the Fields of Justice and brought back the tragic tale of Bob the Caster Minion. Please, join us in a moment of silence for all the minions who have given their lives to defend our towers and protect the Nexus. Bob, and countless others, we salute you.
(c) ЛоЛ комьюнити
To wrap it up, we have a little musical number for you, compliments of TheRawter160 on YouTube. Go on, sing along! You know the words!
That’s it for this week’s inaugural edition of the Summoner Spotlight! We can’t wait to see the other surprises you talented folk have to show off. Have you found or created something that you’d like to have featured in the spotlight? Send a link with your summoner name to [email protected]!
А ЛоЛ празднует Хеллоуин О_о Вышел патч, который превратил банки хилов в конфеты, банки маны в яблоки, предмет Frozen Heart превратился в Frozen Brain, карты подсвечены красным, а миньоны теперь одни с тыквами на головах, а другие в остроконечных шляпах с крылышками О_О
I’m meeting Dr. Mundo in a private room of the Whispered Rumor, a café that also serves as one of Zaun’s most popular watering holes. His arrival comes with a significant amount of fanfare. He is virtually royalty here in Zaun, and with that comes the trappings of fame – assistants, security, and various hangers-on. It seems slightly out of place, considering Dr. Mundo’s notoriety before his joining the League. I can’t help but wonder how many personal valets and assistants have gone missing when Dr. Mundo’s experimentations got the best of him. With this in mind, I am quick to get the interview started.
TT: Thank you for agreeing to this interview, Dr. Mundo. Our readership certainly wants to get to know you better.
DM: Mundo pleased his work heard of outside Zaun. New patients always welcome.
TT: Duly noted. Your notoriety, your fame from being in the League... how has it affected your daily life?
DM: Life not changed for Mundo. Mundo fights for Zaun and for Noxus friends. Mundo fights for summoners. Mundo also find time for medical research.
TT: So you’re still practicing?
DM: More experiments now that Mundo in League, but now mostly funded by Zaun.
TT: You were nearly suspended from the League for not disclosing your use of adrenaline shots. Do you regret your decision?
DM: Mundo think that silly. Here, try.
At this point in the interview, we took a four hour pause.
TT: You've been described as a bit of a hermit. How have you been able to deal with your newfound popularity?
DM: Mundo always ladies’ man. Now Mundo more ladies’ man.
TT: Does that mean that there's a Mrs. Mundo in the future?
DM: Mundo use masochism for battle arena, not for marriage. (pause) Mundo joke. Mundo waiting for special someone.
TT: You've amassed a cult following here in Zaun. Romantic interests aside, how do you feel about your fans?
DM: Mundo great role model for kids.
TT: It's been noted by many that Zaun has gained a more favorable political perception since your introduction to the League. Was this your goal?
DM: Mundo keep focused on battle arena. Mundo keeps eyes on prize.
TT: Do you feel like the champions in the League have almost too much power when it comes to deciding some very serious political matters?
DM: Champions only there to fight. Mundo always fight his best.
TT: How do you cope with the responsibility of being a champion?
DM: People can trust Mundo. Mundo brains of operation.
TT: So you think of yourself as a leader when you’re in a Field of Justice?
DM: Yes. Chairman Dunderson call Mundo leader because Mundo wins. Zaun successful because of Mundo. Mundo brings wins to Zaun.
TT: What does Mundo do when he's not cleaving people on the Fields of Justice?
DM: Mundo have many interests. Mundo recently open shop.
TT: That's right! I hear you now own a business, how is corporate life?
DM: Corporate businessman one of the many skins Mundo wear. Mundo also bodybuilder.
TT: To wrap things up here, do you have a rival? A nemesis? Who is the greatest threat to Mundomania?
DM: (laughs) Mundomania! Mundo using that. Lawyers will work out details. (pause) No one threat to Mundo. Mundo king of battle arena.
TT: So no other champion is standing in your way?
DM: (long pause) Mundo think Anivia is weird. Crazy ice bird throw up frozen wall one too many times. Mundo tired of smashing face into wall.